why not?

this page is filled with pictures of feet (with a nod to eric (nowonmaii) who is somewhere out there and maybe he'll stumble across it one day)

i don't know why i decided to do a page of feet it came to me after having developed some pictures and there was a shot of my friend aisha's feet on there and a little light bulb went off in me head
click here to see a foot strip tease

if you hold your mouse over the pictures for a second or too a tag will come up telling you who these feet belong too...click on the pictures with a border around them to see what the persons face looks like



run away from the smelly feet!

[the feet that started it all]
[my foot]

[mark flashing some skin]
[the most matt will show]
[ryan #1]
[ryan #2]
[meg's bashful feet]
[laura's blue toenail]
[eric and laura]
[laura's shoes]
[steve's boots]
[tony ^_^]
[i'm not sure who's feet these are]
[the other matt's feet part one]

[once again my own]
[pat's feet]
[iyam's feet]
[zack's boot]
see more of zack at: trash brats show page 3
[ow!][my feet hurt]
my feet after the 24 hr trash brats show
[tanx to mark for this one]

my friends have smelly feet